RMF Electrical Services LTD

Electrical Home Safety

Electrical Home Safety Solutions from RMF Electrical Services Ltd.

Home safety is the awareness of risks and potential dangers in and around a home which may cause bodily harm, injury, or even death to those living there.

Home safety is all about understanding what dangers can occur within Your home, and the simple steps you can take to avoid these dangers and get the protection your family need.

Keeping your home safe from harm is easy with the right systems in place.

We offer the best protection solutions, from alarms to smart home solutions to monitor and keep you safe within your home.

Home Safety Services

Home Safety Solutions

AICO Electrical Home Safety Logo

AICO are the European market leaders in home life safety systems

AICO Electrical Home Safety Head Quarter Buildings

Home Electrical Safety

Home electrical safety is all about understanding what dangers are present and how to mitigate them.

Individual Solutions

  • Fire Alarms

  • Smoke Alarms

  • Heat Alarms

  • Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Find The Right Product For You.

Find out which Smoke, Heat or Carbon Monoxide alarms you need and where they should be sited.

AICO Electrical Home Safety Alarms and Sensors

Smart Home Solutions

  • SmartLINK Gateway
  • HomeLINK


Silently detecting, protecting and monitoring, our life safety products wirelessly connect to our SmartLINK Gateway; an innovative and award-winning system that extracts and collates data directly from our Alarm heads and HomeLINK Environmental Sensors, with all the data available from a user-friendly dashboard. These actionable insights enable preventative measures and proactive maintenance for housing stock.

AICO Smart Home Safety Monitoring Systems
Home Safety Alarms and Sensors

Unsure which alarms you need to protect your home?

Our Team is here to help. we can guide you throught which Fire detection equipment, Smoke, Heat or Carbon Monoxide alarms you need and where they should be fitted.

Designed to protect you and your family, we have the products you need to keep your home safe.


On screen Electrical Service report for customers

Smoke & Heat Alarms

We are paving the way in home life safety, offering a network of alarms and sensors to improve the health and safety of UK homes.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Carbon Monoxide alarms: Detecting invisible health risks
Local Electrician Rob with his RMF Electrical tool case

Smart Homes

Silently detecting, protecting and monitoring, our life safety products wirelessly connect to our SmartLINK Gateway; an innovative and award-winning system